An Activist, Student and Leader.
Lane Community College Transcript
Academic Year of 2018-2019
Fall 2018
Winter 2019
ENSC 182 - Atmospheric Environment
and Climate Change
*MTH 243 - Introduction to Probability
and Statistics
WR 121 - Academic Composition
COMM 105 - Listening and Critical Thinking
PS 202 - U.S. Government and Politics
SPAN 101 - Spanish First Year
Spring 2019
ART 131 - Introduction to Drawing
MTH 112 - Trigonometry
SPAN 102 - Spanish First Year
Extra Curricular Activities of 2018-2019
My first term of college was spent focusing on getting acclimated to my new environment.
Senator - Associated Students of Lane Community College
Senator - Associated Students of Lane Community College
Media Coordinator for "A Planting Event" - OSPIRG Students
Summer 2019
In June 2019, I was hired as a canvasser in the Eugene canvassing office. I worked with Environment Oregon to pass a statewide ban on Polystyrene cups and take out containers in Oregon. I also worked with OSPIRG to get Round Up, a weed killer created by Monsanto, off the shelves until research can prove that it's a safe product.
I was a Field Manager, which meant I was responsible for taking my Crew of 3-5 individuals into the neighborhoods we would be canvassing.
Between both campaigns, I talked to approximately 1,062 people, gathered 534 petition signatures, and fundraised almost $10,000.
Academic Year of 2019-2020
Fall 2019
*CH 221 - General Chemistry
*MTH 251 - Calculus 1
HST 101 - History of Western Civilization
COOP 280SL - Co-op Education: Students Helping Students
Winter 2020
COMM 111_H - Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Honors)
SOC 205 - Social Stratification and Social Systems
WR 227_H - Technical Writing (Honors)
MUS 295 - Symphonic Band
PE 117 - Strength Training
Spring 2020
ANTH 103 - Cultural Anthropology
PS 297_H - Environmental Politics (Honors)
SOC 206- Institutions and Social Change
HE 209 - Human Sexuality
COOP 280SL - Co-op Education
Extra Curricular Activities of 2019-2020
Hunger and Homelessness Campaign Coordinator - OSPIRG
Chairperson - Student Activity Fee Committee
New Voters Project Campaign Coordinator - OSPIRG
Summer 2020
In June 2020, I will be rehired as a canvasser in the Eugene canvassing office. I will be working with Environment Oregon to pass a statewide ban on Polystyrene cups and take out containers in Oregon. I also worked with OSPIRG to get Round Up, a weed killer created by Monsanto, off the shelves until research can prove that it's a safe product.
I will continue my role as a Field Manager, which entails being responsible for taking my Crew of 3-5 individuals into the neighborhoods we would be canvassing.
* These math/science classes were for the Zoology degree I was originally pursuing. They were not my strongest classes, and I was not as passionate about the topics.
In Fall 2019, I dropped half of my credits, changed my major, and worked myself out of a depressive episode/existential crisis (because what else am I supposed to do at 20 years old?). Since then I have been focusing on building a base of understanding of Anthropology, Sociology, History, and other Political Science courses.
Classes that Impacted Me
ENSC 182 - Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change
This was the first class that I took that taught climate change as the global issue that it is. I learned the basics of how the climate works, how humans have affected it, and what we can do to reverse its impact.
WR 121 - Writing 121
My professor used this Writing 121 class to teach his students about politics. He taught us the basic terminology used in political conversations, how to recognize bias information in the news, and how to think critically about the issues at hand. This class demystified the political process and ultimately introduced me to the political world.
SOC 205 - Social Stratification and Social Systems
This class discussed various heavy societal topics such as institutionalized racism, the patriarchy, the ethics surrounding immigration, income inequality, and poverty. This class opened my eyes to the layers within the issues that American's face on a daily basis. This is also the class that inspired me to minor in Sociology.
High School
I have been playing the clarinet for about 8 years now. I went to Seattle for the Western International Band Clinic all four years of high school, participated in the Willamette Valley Honor Band, and played within a jazz band with my grandfather and a few other musicians called the Parsons Creek Posse. I enjoy being in a band because ....
I was also a theatre kid! In four years, I assistant stage managed for Aladdin, played Dr. Armstrong in Agatha Christies' And Then There Were None, stage managed 13! the musical, played Alice in Flowers for Algernon, played Clarisse in Fahrenheit 451 (as well as designed/ layered sound cues, alongside running most of them during the show while I was offstage), and stage managed Once Upon a Mattress. I also did a lot of smaller shows throughout the year such as Hanging By Our Fingernails (comedy skits), One Acts, and a Spring Shows.