An Activist, Student and Leader.
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
-Jane Goodall

This is me
Hello, my name is Laney Baehler. I was born in Washington and lived in Duval until I was 7 before moving to Springfield, Oregon to be closer to my grandparents. I graduated from Springfield High School in 2018 and am taking classes at Lane Community College. My area of study is Public Policy and Sociology. Public Policy refers to the process that translates political views into programs/actions that put forth the change the public wants; sociology is the study of social groups and classes and how they interact with one another to create our current society. I hope to have a career within the political system where I can make the most positive change.
Public Policy Sociology OSPIRG Student Gov
Lane Community College Family Tree Activist
SAFC University Scoliosis
Bookworm Canvassing Musician
My experience with activism, canvassing, student government, and being a Chair.
When I began classes at Lane Community College, I was majoring in Zoology. I had hopes of getting into wildlife conservation, yet my future drastically changed directions once I got into Student Government. I was a Senator for two terms, and there I got my first taste of politics. Networking through them, I got recruited for Lobby Day by OSPIRG Students. For a day I played politician and lobbied our elected officials to support a ban on polystyrene and plastic grocery bags. After that, I was hooked - for the first time, I felt as if I were able to make a difference in society and the injustices it enables.
When classes ended that year, I became a canvasser for Environment Oregon and OSPIRG (Oregon State Public Interest Research Group). Engaging in the momentum of activism felt natural - especially going into my second year at Lane. I was the Campaign Coordinator for the Hunger and Homelessness Campaign in Fall 2019, and now I am the Campus Relations Coordinator. I am also the Chair for the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC).

Hobbies, Books, & fun facts
My favorite book is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson, a close second being Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. Manson is an artist like no one I have ever read - he simplifies the most confusing parts of humanity through cursing and humor. Crouch on the other hand, pulls at every heartstring possible. His main character faces the darkest depths of ourselves; our fears, passionate desires, and most dangerous motives. Fighting for survival in a somber existence, all in the name of love.​
I also enjoy painting with acrylics, creating portraits with colored pencils, and dabbling with digital art using the Procreate app and iPad + Apple pencil.
Two fun facts about me!
1. My biological father is a sperm donor. I have 11 half siblings that live all around the United States and I've met 7 of them. We have Sibling Trips about every other year in different states so we can see each other and try and keep in touch with Skype calls. (Picture is from 2014)
2. I have had 13 spine surgeries due to my severe scoliosis. I had staples, screws, and a growth rod all throughout middle school attached to my spine/ribs, then as a freshman in High School I had my spine fused.

before fusion
before hardware

after fusion